unstable/apps/multimedia/sound/00INDEX generated by KDE-Keeper 1.1; do not edit by hand! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00INDEX put 00INDEX.html generated by KDE-Keeper 1.0; do not edit by hand! Brahms-0.97.2.tar.gz Brahms is a sequencer and music notaion program with several editing methods amyst.zip amyst sounds arts-0.3.4.tar.gz Modular software synthesizer, generates realtime audio stream, midi-support, easily extendable, uses CORBA for seperation of gui and synthesis, KDE gui kblade-0.0.7-2.tgz Graphical frontend to BladeEnc for KDE (MP3 Encoder) kderadio-0.3.3.tar.gz radio application kguitune-0.3.tar.gz Program for tuning guitars or other instruments kjukebox-0.3.2.tar.gz Mp3 database and player kmikmod-2.04.tgz Multithreaded KDE moduleplayer based on mikmod kmp3db-0.6.tgz kmp3db lets you search easily through all your mp3 files kmp3info-0.1.tar.bz2 kmpg-0.5.4.tar.gz MPG Player for KDE kradio-2.18.tar.gz radio app ksidplayer-0.52-1.tar.gz Control Panel for the miroMEDIA Surround Dolby Pro Logic decoder ksoundrecord-0.5.tar.gz Frontend for sox, sound-record and lame record wav-files and encode it ksoundsys-0.0.36.tar.gz sound manipulator ksrnd-0.97.tar.gz KDE Control Panel for the miroMEDIA Surround Dolby Pro Logic decoder kstereo-1.0.tar.gz KStereo is a combination of an x-y-oscilloscope and a stereo channel correlation meter ksynth-0.2.1.tgz synthesizer ktuner-0.6.tar.gz put kvoicecontrol-0.17.tar.gz voicecontrol gives the user voice control over unix commands via speech recognition libkmid-0.9.5.tar.bz2 MIDI library to use any MIDI device mmm-0.0.3.tar.gz Realtime software synthesizer and sound processor with realtime user interaction, KDE GUI editor, command line player. sf-0.1.1.tar.gz Sonic Flow is a C++ library for constructing audio dataflow networks from blocks and wires. A chorus/flanger, parametric EQ tfmxcess-2.7.1.tgz thud-0.1.tar.gz A simple drum machine built with 8 WAV-triggering channels.